Want To Be a Better Leader Without Breaking the Bank?
Join our online community for just £29 and receive 20% off all community and open events for a period of 6 months. You will also receive a £29 voucher to use towards 121 coaching with
Karen Carpenter
Kristina Rosenqvist
during that same period.
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Why Join a Community?
Whatever the industry, leadership and business can be a very lonely place - particularly when it comes to making those bold decisions necessary to secure progress. In the absence of peer colleagues, finding the right people to confide in, bounce ideas off, and generally test the integrity of your thinking, is a risky business. Who can you really trust to maintain your confidence, ask the right questions, and give objective feedback without taking over or being overly biased? Yet without access to alternative perspectives, how sure can you really be that your thinking is properly aligned with your end goals? This is a dilemma shared, in particular, by many leaders of small businesses and also by many executives and middle managers.
A second dilemma commonly faced by leaders, regardless of industry, is the risk of silo thinking – arriving at decisions based only, or mainly, on thinking that is shaped by industry norms, without taking full account of alternative interpretations that might lead to more innovative conclusions. Developing strategies to broaden exposure to a wider range of perspectives can thus add great value to the thinking process.
Who We Spend Time With, Is Who We Become!
Where funding is available, many turn to coaching as a means to gain access to a confidential thinking partner. But not everyone has the budget for this - and not everyone needs, or even wants, this on a regular basis. Equally useful is to surround ourselves with other leaders, to grow our own networks of trusted contacts with whom we can share thoughtful conversations, on our own terms, about things that matter to us, in the moment – and, in turn, offer our own wisdom in response to their dilemmas. This is the intention behind each of the communities listed on this page – to bring people together from a range of different industries to think together, connect with each other, test ideas, hone our instincts, and ultimately, grow our leadership skills.
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This is an exclusive community for leaders and entrepreneurs serious about personal growth. To protect the integrity of the community, prospective members must have attended at least one open event before submitting their application to join. Membership is for named individuals only and other terms and conditions apply.
If you prefer to attend on an ad-hoc basis, simply book on to any
upcoming event
and pay as you go. Visitors are always very welcome.